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US ACAS notification
Dear partners,
On the 12th June 2019 the US Border Authorities will officially enforce their mandatory ACAS pre-loading program.
Therefore, all GSA’s must ensure that by 12th June 2019 they are sending their FWB and FHL messages to PS by using the
CHAMP CargoSpot system or e-Booking system portal.
It is mandatory to provide the FWB and the FHL 24 hours prior the flight departure time to US
Failure to comply will delay the ACAS security risk assessment and delay your shipment.
This also means that any shipment that has not satisfied the ACAS requirements will be blocked and not loaded until the ACAS requirement is met.
The US Customs Border Protection (CBP) and Transport Security Administration (TSA) ACAS (Air Cargo Advance Screening) program is administered on
a 24/7 basis by their National Targeting Center Cargo (NTCC) to enhance the security of the air cargo supply chain to the US.
ACAS applies to each shipment (at piece level) that is going to or through the US from a foreign location, and shipment security risk assessment
must be completed prior to loading on the aircraft.
We kindly requests the cooperation of customers to fulfill the ACAS requirements in order to facilitate the prompt and secure flow of their shipments.
For further information about ACAS data requirements please contact rescargo@flyuia.com uiacargosystem.support@flyuia.com
This requirement above will be valid since 12.06.2019 / 00:00
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